World tourism day - India's situation

Traveling to a new place is a wonderful thing to do when you are free. When we travel to new place, our mind gets occupied with the new things and new habits of the people in that region, thereby letting us forget our day to day hassle life. For people in India, the regions in America, Europe seems to be superior than their homeland. We enjoy the regularity and neatness in those continents, But for the people in those continents, India is the birth place of culture, wisdom and an awesome ancient architecture which is lacking there in their nations. So no nation is perfect to the core both in terms of development as well as culture. So in the search of the things that is lacking in their homeland, people travel across the globe. And this is exactly how the tourism developed.

     On this day, the 27th of September, the World tourism day is celebrated by the United Nations (UN). It is on this same day that people in India, have a lot of questions in their mind concerning tourism. Tourism is meant to enjoy your day with your family and friends. But what if, if it turns into a tragedy! The recent news about the capsizing of coracle (parisal in tamil) in Cauvery river at Hogenakkal falls, leaves most of us dreading. The accident that took place on August 30, left 6 people die including a 10 month old baby and a six and a half year old boy. So how did this happen? Could this have been averted? Who is responsible for this? There are still many more questions that a are occupying our mind regarding this accident.

     Before we could come out of this tragedy, one more tragedy strikes again in India, which involves the death of two British women and 13 others due to the derailing of a toy train in Himachal Pradesh. It was said that the incident took place due to over speeding. A case was registered against the driver and further investigations are being carried out.

    Apart from these incidents, there are still many more to say which would increase the length of this article. But the main concept of this post is "Is India prepared to handle tourism in an effective and safe way?." The answer cannot be a thunderous NO because lot of government officials are striving hard to  make tourism a wonderful thing. The policemen are engaged in protecting the tourists from any terror attacks. Precautions are carried out to avert any major accidents. Still then there are incidents involving the death of tourists. So how to stay safe? The answer to this lies with the Government of India and regional governments as well.

What next?

   A special team has to be formed in each and every state to ensure safety of the tourists. There is a separate department for tourism but more insight has to be given to safety by the formation of this special team. This team would ensure that the instruments to be used by the tourists are absolutely safe and the persons handling those instruments are absolutely trained. A quality report has to be prepared for each and every tourist destinations and this has to be submitted to the Ministry of Tourism on regular basis. This would ensure that the tourists coming to our nation as well as inland tourists are safe.

  On the other hand, tourists themselves are also responsible for their safety. Some people, in order to show their guts, tend to stand on the edge of the cliff or tease the animal in the wildlife sanctuary,etc. Acts like this will in no way could earn the appreciation from others. So tourists should learn to enjoy without landing themselves in trouble because prevention is always better than cure.




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