Life is natural. worries and anger aren't

     Anger, the word that most people take absolute care of when they feel annoyed by someone or something. They take it as an instrument to show how annoyed they are by some particular person or the situation. Even though we have been advised a lot to control our temper through various stories, it still remains as one of our biggest enemy in life. Recently I watched the movie Thani oruvan, directed by Mohan Raja sir. The main concept of the film was "Tell me who your enemy is and I will tell you who you are". This is in contrast to the actual proverb which says "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are". Mohan raja has been absolutely correct. He has given the right definition for life. 

    But according to me, the biggest enemy of our life need not be searched outside because it is within each and every one of us in the name of anger. People who have mastered the technique of controlling their temper, have went to reach the skies. There is old tamil proverb which says "If you lose your patience, you will lose everything in life. If you have patience, you can gain everything that you have lost." What a wonderful saying. I have many times felt the truthfulness in this proverb.

     Sometimes life puts us in a very grave situation where there is no hope or light. We could hardly breath through those tough times. We tend to lose our patients, thereby we tend to lose our temper. We shout at people who actually care for us and worry about us a lot, thereby hurting them. We hurt ourselves as well as the people who really care for us. Their small mistakes are given big spotlight and spoken off like a huge mistake. 

     According to Dr.Joseph Murphy, the author of the all-time best seller "The power of your subconscious mind", whenever you lull over a grave situation, it tends to become even more graver, thereby making the things worse. When we have the tendency to smile and have patience during these adverse situation, they lose their identity and ultimately fade away every soon. 

    Imagine like this. We become familiar with person when we tend to be with them most of the time. We become good friends with them because of the familiarity. In the same way, when we spend most of the time worrying and lulling over any situation, they become familiar to us and ultimately they become good friends with us so that they can never ever leave you. In contrast, try spending time thinking about all the blessings and good things that god has given us in this life and be happy and cheered with it. Then they tend to become our ultimate friends so that our life is filled with happiness. 

    When we start to think about the blessing of our life, the need to lose our temper gets extinct. The way of life will ultimately change, giving us more time to be happy.  



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