10 things to write on your personal journal

I came to know about the importance of Journal-ling from the motivation expert Robin Sharma. Having read his books like "The Monk who sold his Ferrari", "Who will cry when your die?", I developed profound interest on his teachings. So I started following him on all the social media. The most important thing that he stresses in most of his presentations is that you should keep a personal journal for yourself. This is place where you write about your ideas, your inspirations, your goal, your next step, your feeling, everything that you feel to write. 

Writing things on your journal motivates you and relieves lot of stress from your mind. Your mind is a thinking machine. It always thinks about things that will never happen or it stays on the past that you wish to forget. But when you pen down the things that really bothers you, you will be relieved from those mental tensions and free some space in you mind for happiness and joy. 

In this article, I am listing down things that you can write in your journal. But this list is not exhaustive. You can always add more things as you wish. 

As you go through the list, you may come across items that you have never been doing till now in your life. But these things when done, gives you a sense of satisfaction and bliss. For example, one of the item in the below list says you should try something new each day. Yes its true. We are living the same day 365 days of the year and calling it a life. No that's not life. You have to try something new each day. When you try something new each day, your mind engages more with that task and gives you more release of endorphin, a chemical excreted in your brain that relieves stress and tension and gives you a positive feeling. 

Similarly there are many such acts listed below. Perform them and record it in your daily journal. 
  1. The happenings of the day from the moment you woke up till you started to write the journal at night.
  2. How you were feeling during the course of the day. At the morning, afternoon, evening and night. If you felt good, then what was the reason?, if you felt upset, then what was the reason? Write this down.
  3. What are the things/people that you are grateful for the day? List 10 items/people here.
  4. What was the best thing you learnt today?
  5. How many people you helped today?
  6. What did you do today that took you one step closer towards your goal?
  7. What was that new thing, that you have not done in the past, you tried today?
  8. What are the foods/snacks/drink that you ate/drunk today from the moment you woke up?
  9. What was the predominant thought throughout the day? Any particular thought that you were thinking most of the time?
  10. Who do you want to forgive today wholeheartedly?

Take at-least 20-25 minutes to write the journal and thoroughly analyse the day and the emotions associated with it. This will help to know more about yourself and you can use it to shape your future. Be more mindful of what's happening during the course of the day. Never miss a moment. 


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