The MIND master

  Our mind is one of the most fascinating things in this world. Yet, we don't dedicate much of our time to know about it. There is a reason why I say that it is the most fascinating thing. Look around you. The gadgets, the automobiles, the households, etc were first created in one's mind before they were created in real. Our mind is an obsequious servant which works to carter our needs. It is a power house that has a lot of potential to drive the world. But the most intriguing question comes now. How to use these unlimited powers of our mind to create the things that we desire? To answer this question, I will narrate a small incident that most of you might have already known. 
       Swami Vivekananda, on his trip to America, found some boys shooting at the egg shells that were floating over the water. Every time they shot, they were missing the target. So swamiji, went to them and took the gun in his hands. He aimed at the egg shells and shot them. He fired several shots and not even a single one missed the target. Amazed boys asked swamiji how he was able to do so. For which Swamiji replied, "When I took the gun in my hands, my whole world at that time was those egg shells. Never for a second did I think about anything else other than the egg shells. When you do something, put your whole mind on it and you will never miss it" 

     This incident holds the answer to the tricky question of how to tap the power of our mind and use it effectively for our own improvement. When you are destined to achieve something, your mind should be fully occupied on that something. All day long, you should crave for ideas for achieving it. Once you start to crave, your mind automatically looks for ways to satiate your hunger. It helps you with plans and ideas for achieving it. So the rule is pretty simple. When you want to achieve something, keep your mind busy in thinking about it. Especially before going to sleep and after retiring from the bed. Don't stop with just thinking. You should keep working on it. Do something about it. And, of all, have faith and belief that you can achieve it. Don't give room to even a pinch of a doubt to enter into your mind. When Swami Vivekananda aimed at those egg shells, he had confidence, belief and faith in himself that he can do it. This ideas of faith and belief has been accepted and illustrated by many legends such as Joseph Murphy, Napolean Hill, Norman Vincent Peal, OG Malindo, Robin Sharma and the list goes on. A lot of books has also been written on them. 

   On your road to achieving something great, you may be confronting with temporary defeats and failures. But don't ever lose hope. Miracles can happen in many unexpected ways. Our mind has this unique ability to bring into reality what we desire and act upon. We are unaware of it. The moment we realize that our mind is the biggest blessing that god has given us, the success will start to follow.



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