Why criticism doesn't work? Here's the reason

             Have you ever heard a politician who has lost the election say "People have made the biggest mistake of their life. They are going to suffer a lot during this period"? Well, there are as many chances as sun to rise at 12AM, for you to have heard that. Instead they might say "Next time we will earn people's confidence and win the election" The politicians are well aware of the fact that criticising or condemning people for the failure in the elections, would make matter only more worser. 
                Criticisms are very futile. They don't change the situation but contribute towards adding more fuel to fire. B.F.Skinner, the world-famous renowned psychologist from America, conducted a series of experiments on animals. The research concluded that an animal  rewarded for a good behaviour learns much more rapidly than an animal punished for a bad behaviour. Man is an animal with an extra sense and it applies to human beings as well. 

                In his book "How to win friends and influence people", Dale Carnegie says 

The resentment that criticism engenders can demoralise employees, family members and friends, and still not correct the situation that has been condemned

This is the reality and it has to be accepted. Its really hard for us not to act hastily on a false judgement, misbehaviour or a failed performance. But, take just a second to realize the situation or inadequancy of the person you are about to criticize. Imagine yourself in their shoes before condemning them. 

               You might ask, if criticism is not a solution, then how the mistakes could be corrected?. There are wonderful and creative ways for making people realize their mistakes and correcting them. Sometimes, the things you consider as a mistake, may not be a mistake at all. For example, lets say a person keeps playing the false notes even after several hours of teaching him on how to play it correctly. It means that the person's interest is on something else and there is no point in criticising him for not playing it correctly. Albert Einstein doesn't need to be good at Football. Sachin Tendulkar need not be good at Algebra and the list goes on. 

              In some other cases, the situation would have made them to commit the mistake. So, without knowing what kind of situation it is, there is no logic in criticising. 

                 In 2007 cricket world cup, India lost in the league stage of the tournament to Bangladesh, the neighbouring country. People condemned and threw stones at the houses of the cricketers who played in the team. Rahul Dravid, the legend's house was also attacked. Eventhough, India won the next world cup, Dravid wasn't a part of the team. The resentment that people showed towards him would still be in his heart, forever killing him. What wrong did Dravid do? Did he willingly gave away the match to Bangladesh on that day? Hasn't he done enough for the team in the past? People had forgot his sacrifices and achievements he had done for his country. 

                  Instead of condemning someone, try to understand their situation. 




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