Don't let your phone kill you

              We have reached a point where smartphones have become a integral part of our life. Life hardly seems to move on when we restrict ourselves from using them even for at-least one day. They have blended into our lives. Applications have made our life much simpler that if you own a smartphone, you own a camera, a torch, a alarm clock, and even much more. This is the reason why we are not able to live a life without them. Okay, now let's ask ourselves, are these smartphones killing us? The answer to this question, certainly is yes. Not only emotionally, they are killing people physically too. Yes, not only smartphones, a ordinary mobile phone is killing people. You may ask how a phone can kill someone, but the truth is  that there has been a considerable number of deaths around the world that has been caused due to the usage of mobile phone while it  is being charged. 

              For instance, a Australian women, who was an air hostess, was electrocuted while she was communicating to someone through her Apple iphone while it was being charged. The Apple company rolled out a series of investigation regarding her death and found that her death might be due to the usage of charger that's not a branded Apple phone's charger. This is not the one lone such incident, a number of incidents have been reported throughout the world in connection with the injuries caused while using mobile phone while it being charged. Let's not take risk anymore. India is the second largest country in terms of mobile phone users. So we are at risk. 

             Let's pledge the following to ensure that we are safe

  • I will never own a fake low-priced mobile phone or a charger.
  • I will never talk to someone through my mobile phone while it is being charged.
  • I will help my family and friends realize that it is unsafe to use the mobile phone while it is being charged. 
  • I will use only adapters that are compatible with my device.
          Be safe! Be happy! Let's help this message reach our loved ones. Thank you :)


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