Using mobile phone in the dark - Nightmare to your eyes

                  Recently, I found a lot of photos and messages regarding the threat to our eyes while we use the mobile phones at night in the dark. To find the truthiness behind these posts, I surfed the internet regarding this and found that it was true. 

                    A Chinese man was texting his girlfriend constantly for about six hours in the dark. The next morning what he experienced was strange. He nearly went blind. But with the recent advancement in the Ophthalmology, his eye sight was saved from blindness. Doctors say that what he experienced was retinal detachment, a condition which is mostly experience by the age of 50 to 75. It is a state where the retina (a sensitive layer behind the eye that reads light) detaches itself from the blood vessel that supplies it with oxygen and nutrients. Retinal detachment can also be caused by direct injury to the eyes. The retina becomes thinner and thinner and at one stage loses its tendency to read the light, which is blindness. 

Signs that you are in danger

               The normal signs of retinal detachment are 
  • Appearance of black spots in your line of sight
  • Distorted vision
  • Occurrence of sudden flashes of light in either of the eyes
  • Seeing floater ( small threads)
                    The alarming fact is that this case, which normally occurs in the mid aged people, now occurs in younger people between 16 to 25 years of age. The reason may attributed to the craze on smartphone among the youngsters. Smartphones are really smart but they shouldn't make us blind. Right? So be cautious and don't use your mobile phone in the dark as it is very very dangerous to your eyes. 

Using mobile phones in the dark can cause blindness

Does watching movies in the dark in theaters affect your eyes?

                        While I was writing this post, a thought suddenly flashed into my mind. Does watching movies in the dark affect your eyes? I went on to surf the internet and found that it does not cause significant damage as compared to that caused by using mobile phones at night. The reason is that, when you are watching the movie in the theater, your eyes are not too close to the screen and you are not viewing each and every point of the screen in detail as you do with the mobile phones in the dark. Mostly people use the mobile phone to text their loved ones, at night. During this process, your eyes focuses on each and every word to understand it. Moreover, your mobile is held so very close to your eyes, which increases the chance of getting damaged. That's the reason why watching movies in the dark in the theater doesn't affect your eyes. But there is a limit for everything. So as long as everything is within the limits, there is no problem to your eyes!!                    


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