Bringing back nature to the earth

Recently I had a chance to attend one of meetings addressed by the Correspondent of the Golden Gates Matriculation school and Emerald Valley Public school, Salem, Mrs. Meena Sethu. She was so calm and patient even when the projector was not working properly. Just before she started her speech, I had no idea that I going to listen to one of the best lecture of my life. I was just taken aback by the initiatives that she is indulged in, to restore nature to its original form. Her opinion about worshipping "Maariamman", the god of rains, was mind blowing. This is what she had to say about worshipping "Maariamman"

              In tamil, Maari means rain and Maariamman means God of rain. Maariamman is a very famous god in south India, especially Tamil Nadu, where people worship the idol of the rain god with utmost sincerity and respect. They used to do lot of "Nerthikandans" (meaning Ritual duty) to Maariamman and spend a lot for the temple's infrastructure, to get what they desire. But are they correct? Are they paying their tribute at the right place? The answer to these questions is a thunderous NO. The reason is that, the real home of Maariamman is not the temple we worship, but the lakes, reservoirs, canals and other water bodies that are filled by rain water. Dirtying those water bodies and paying the respect to the rain god at the temple is foolishness. When she mentioned about this, I felt like someone just slapped me. I am one of the very sincere devotees of the rain god and I used to pay my tribute in the hundial that is meant for improving the temple's infrastructure. We should understand one thing here. The money that is deposited in the hundial is for improving the temple's infrastructure which is ultimately aimed at making devotees' stay comfortable at the temple premises. But from the moment she mentioned this, I decided that whenever I want to pay tribute to my god, I would just save that money in a hundial, which will be under my possession and when it grows into a huge sum, I would spend it to clean the dirty lakes using modern equipments and techniques. 

             She has gone one step ahead by practically implementing this in Salem. She has restored the beauty of several lakes in Salem with the help of her school students. I feel like that this post is not enough to talk about the initiatives she has taken to restore nature to its purest form. I am thinking about posting this in facebook and whatsapp too. Its because of people like Mrs. Meena Sethu that we can still hope that nature might be restored. In my next post, I will come up the initiatives that she has taken.  

Mrs. Meena sethu (first from left) during an event in her school


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