When Life imitates Art (Movies)

From the typical roadside dramas to the present astonishing multiplex theaters, art has come a long way. From the day, when artists were treated with disdain, to the present day, where they are treated with esteemed admiration, artists have come a long way. In this current scenario, this blog post is all about finding the answer to the question "Does life imitate art? or Does art imitate life? If art influences life, is it in a positive manner? Come on with me to explore the answer to these intriguing questions. To be familiar with the Tamil audience, most of the examples mentioned in this post will be with reference to the Tamil Cinema. Art has imitated life in many cases. For instance, the movies released in the early 20th century, where there won't be much meetings and physical contact between two people in love with each other, before their marriage. Thi...